Multiple Where Condition Example In Laravel

  Oct 2023
  Category: Laravel
Multiple Where Condition Example In Laravel

Hi Developers,

Lets see How to use Multiple Where Condition in a single query In Laravel, In some cases we need to fetch the details with multiple conditions to be satisfied, for example sometimes we need to fetch all the staff details with specific gender and also the currently active staffs , In this cases we need to use multiple where conditions in a single query to fetch the staff details. So lets see how it done.

Master the art of filtering data in Laravel with multiple 'where' conditions. Dive into practical examples, empowering you to efficiently query and retrieve precisely the data your application needs. Elevate your Laravel skills with this insightful tutorial.

Let's Start Coding

Lets fetch the users details which the users are active and not admin , by using separate where conditions in a single query.

public function index()
    $users = User::where('active', '=', 1)
                ->where('is_admin', '=', 0)

Let's Start Coding

Lets fetch the users details which the users are active and not admin , but in this method we are using single where condition with two conditions.

public function index()
    $users = User::where([
                    ['active', '=', 1],
                    ['is_admin', '=', 0]

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