How To Connect PHP to MySQL

  Jan 2024
  Category: PHP
How To Connect PHP to MySQL

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Lets see How To Connect PHP to MySQL using it solutions guides. While dealing with the database we need to establish the connection with the database. In php we need to connect with the mysql for the database. Explore seamless PHP to MySQL integration. Uncover step-by-step guides, best practices, and code snippets for robust database connectivity in web development. Elevate your skills effortlessly.

Let's Create Connection

For creating the new connection we should use the new mysqli() function to make the connection with the database. To use or make the connection to the database we need to pass the required parameters to the mysqli function. The required parameters are ,

1) The name of the server
2) The user name
3) Password
4) The name of the database we need to connect

The below solution is for making the connection after the database is created. If you need to make connection before the database is created we can omit the $dbname parameter


  $servername = "localhost";
  $username   = "your_username";
  $password   = "your_password";
  $dbname     = "your_database";

  // Create connection to the database
  $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

  // Checking the  connection status
  if ($conn->connect_error) {
      die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
  echo "Connected successfully";


Let's Close the Connection

For closing the database connection created we should use the close() function in php to close the connection between our project and the MySQL.



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