How To Convert String to Float In Python

  Dec 2023
  Category: Python
How To Convert String to Float In Python

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Lets see How To Convert String to Float In Python using it solutions guides tutorial.If you're grappling with converting a string to a float in Python while ensuring precision, the IT Solutions Guide offers a concise solution. Learn to convert a string to a float with two decimal places effortlessly. Explore Python's formatting capabilities to achieve the desired result, ensuring your numeric values align with the necessary precision. With clear guidance, the IT Solutions Guide empowers you to manipulate Python strings, floats, and formatting, enabling your code to handle decimal places with ease. Elevate your Python skills by mastering the art of converting strings to floats while maintaining control over decimal precision.
To convert a string to a float in Python, use the float() function. Simply pass the string as an argument to obtain the corresponding floating-point value

Let's Start Coding

Example 1) ;

In this example we will use the float() and the round() function to convert string into float with decimal places. In this numberStr variable contains the string since it was encoded inside the double quotes. Therefore we need to convert to float using float() and then roundof using the round() function.

numberStr = "9.152959511"
# Convert number into float with 2 decimal
floatNumber = round(float(numberStr), 2)

--------- Output ---------


Let's Start Coding

Example 2) ;

In this example we will use the round() function to convert the number to float with decimal places. Here the numbers is stored in the number variable with more decimal places we will change into float with two decmal places using the round() function.

number = 9.152959511
# Convert number into float with 2 decimal
floatNumber = round(number, 2)

--------- Output ---------


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