How To Convert String to Lowercase in Laravel Blade File ?

  Aug 2023
  Category: Laravel
How To Convert String to Lowercase in Laravel Blade File ?

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Welcome to ITsolutionsGuides, your source for comprehensive tutorials. Dive into our Laravel tutorials, explore MVC principles, and discover Laravel 10's cutting-edge features. Learn to manipulate text with PHP, including lowercase functions. Master the art of Laravel Blade templates for dynamic views and seamless user experiences. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, our tutorials cover it all. Delve into Laravel Blade templates, understand Laravel views, and elevate your PHP skills. ITsolutionsGuides is your trusted resource for web development knowledge.

Lets learn How To Convert String to Lowercase in Laravel Blade File. While developing a Laravel project we need to display the data in lowercase rather than the text style provided by the admin during the entry of the data. Therefore the conversion of the text to Lowercase is essential . Lets look at the example How To Convert String to Lowercase in Laravel Blade File.

Let's Start Coding

It can be done in the controller file itself by using the Str class by using the
Illuminate\Support\Str on the top of the controller file and then use the namespaces


Hence our topic is to Convert String to Lowercase in Laravel Blade File lets see how its done in blade file. We came across this issue while we tried to access the product images in public folder under the folder named by product code in lowercase but the product codes are stored in uppercase in database. Lets see how we solved this. To done this the default function is used

{{ strtolower($lowercase) }}      // Converting variable data and display 


{{ strtolower(LowerCase) }}     // Converting the String 

Output :


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