How to Create Controller in Laravel using Artisan Command

  Dec 2023
  Category: Laravel
How to Create Controller in Laravel using Artisan Command

Hi Developers,

Lets learn How to Create Controller in Laravel using Artisan Command. By default laravel application provides the artisan command to create a controller file. We can also create the file without using any artisan command just like creating any document files, as we developers should follow the professionalism we should create any controller file using the artisan command, So lets see How to Create Controller in Laravel using Artisan Command

Learn to build Laravel controllers effortlessly with Artisan commands. Streamline your development process for efficient and organized code.

Let's Start Coding

In Laravel the controller file can be created by using the following artisan command,
php artisan make:controller FirstController

after executing the above command the Controller file will be created in the below path,


namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class FirstController extends Controller

Let's Start Coding

To create the Controller under any folder we should also mention the folder following by '/' symbol and then the controller name.Lets create the controller under Admin folder by using the following command,

php artisan make:controller Admin/FirstController

the above command will create the controller file in the path below,


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class FirstController extends Controller

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